Sasquatch - Software-defined Storage

Sasquatch® Software Defined Storage Solutions = Flexibility-as-a-Service

Your data it dynamic. So are we.

Storage SDS Sasquatch

Buying a new SDS solution is a complex task. It’s not only about the budget but mainly about the configuration of your new Software-Defined Storage system. Some vendors say that their offering is hardware agnostic but in reality, you don’t have a choice but need to take what’s officially ‘certified’. Flexibility-as-a-Service from RNT means that you do have a choice to pick the solution that best meets your business objectives, budget, and purchase or even vendor strategy for storage.

Product Brochure Sasquatch®
We guarantee that your SDS solution will not leave our premises until it has been thoroughly tested and is fully functional.

Pawel Mizerski, Senior IT Systems Engineer at RNT and expert in project management and process optimization

Whitepaper Object Storage and S3

Download now for free!

Our whitepaper explains why object storage and S3 are modern protocols for a modern digital world and a must in our digital age. All benefits do also apply to smaller data volumes in the TB range because data is and will remain the most valuable asset for any successful company.

Download whitepaper as PDF
Whitepaper Object-Storage und S3 für den Mittelstand
Sasquatch® SDS solutions help protect data and maximise its performance potential.

Ridel Kougoum, Senior IT-Systems Engineer at RNT and expert for Hybrid Cloud and Veeam Backup Solutions

Let's find the right solution for you

RNT Integrated SDS Solutions

We stand by our word to offer you Flexibility-as-a-Service. You can either choose from our Integrated SDS solutions portfolio providing you with an enterprise-class hardware platform that is tuned for the software that’s running on it. What belongs together should not be separated, so you can pick and choose the optimal storage system for your use case from the list of available configurations and different storage types.

RNT Combined SDS Solutions

If you’re looking for even more flexibility or have a preferred vendor in mind, our Combined Software-Defined Storage portfolio is the one to go. Choose BigFoot® or any other storage hardware of your choice and pick the software suite that is the perfect fit to elevate your business. We’ll make sure that your chosen SDS solution is only leaving our factory when everything is fully tested and running smoothly.

Your companion on your way to digital transformation

Performance-as-a-Service.We're not only making IT possible.We'll also be making your IT projects a success.

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