Fit for tomorrow's technical revolution

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We speak our customer’s language and always have an ear for their needs. Wether it’s the data centre industry, institutions in the public sector or any other vertical we design, build and deploy the optimal solution for businesses of any size with the goal to reduce TCO.

Our reference customers have already stopped paying for features they don’t need and take sustainability seriously. Be invited to challenge us and get added to the list.

We selected RNT Rausch because they designed extremely stable and, above all, fully customised quality systems. All hardware included the best of everything without breaking our budget and were able to deliver on time despite the global supply chain challenges. RNT thinks and acts in a solutionoriented way, so that all concepts were always tailored to our requirements and we never had to enter a compromise. Right from day one onwards, the RNT experts were Always available and ready to take timely action.

Mirko Janetzke, SVP Germany, Sportec Solutions AG

References - Data Centre

Referenzen - Industrie

Referenzen - Institutionen

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Marco M. Marcone, Head of Marketing at RNT and expert for effective marketing strategies

Marco Marcone Head of Marketing RNT Rausch