Object Storage and S3

A modern protocol for a modern digital world!
Object storage, Amazon S3, cloud storage, hybrid cloud – so many technical terms are buzzing around. What’s this all about?

Whitepaper Object Storage and S3

This whitepaper explains why object storage and S3 are a must in our digital age because data is and will remain the most valuable asset and lifeblood of any company. However, many data storage environments are still built on traditional block and file storage architectures. Both of them still have a play and are a good choice for specific use cases. Due to their age, however, these protocols with their monolithic structures now tend to set boundaries for many applications and set undesirable limits when fast and secure data management is imperative for business success.

Gain more insights into why object storage and S3 are ideal for storing, managing, and analysing our modern and therefore unstructured datasets securely and cost-effectively in a collaborative cloud environment. After reading this whitepaper, we hope that you’re now also convinced that this is not only a technology for large companies, but also an affordable and very beneficial solution for data volumes in the lower terabyte (TB) range.

Download whitepaper as PDF
Whitepaper Object-Storage und S3 für den Mittelstand

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Marco M. Marcone, Head of Marketing at RNT and expert for effective marketing strategies

Marco Marcone Head of Marketing RNT Rausch